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✈️ YURI FITCH ARRIVING Don't play games with my mind, allow me to unlock you because you recognize me. You know who I am. You feel me. YOU WILL feel me. You know my scent. You know my voice. You know my touch. YOU KNOW.Your soul understands I am The one who will make you feel things you never felt. Don't be afraid of me, although I'm very powerful, I'm also very soothing.Im not a "quickie", Dont you understand, Why? Because I know the power in the ACCUMULATION of my energy. The more I charge up, the more magnetic. The more magnetic; The more energetic. The more energetic; The more Therapeutic.If you're not crying tears of bliss, then you're smiling. If you're not smiling, then you are resting. If you're not resting, then you are Fanatasizing.............*NONdisclosure/Celebrity Confidential Agreements are welcomed. ☎️ 3104933695 Twitter: Fitchyuri Snapchat: Inhisboxerz Instagram: Tokengrl Kik: So_Sabrina 📌ONLYFANS.COM/ADORABLEYURI tsyurifitch
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